This year I am participating in both SWAIA and IFAM.
The Indigenous Fine Arts Market (IFAM) will be at the rail yard in Santa Fe August 19,20,and 21. My booth number is 421, it’s the same location I was in last year. It is quite a good show and if you want a sneak peak at the work I’m showing at SWAIA that is the place to see it.
I’ll be in the same booth as the last couple of years right in the plaza for the SWAIA (Indian market) plz621. That is Saturday the 22nd and Sunday the 23rd.
I’m working hard to have some new carvings and serigraphs ready for the show. I also have more than a dozen original canvas paintings to choose from which I’ll be bringing down including a large 8ft painting that I’m pretty excited about. I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback on a series of painting I recently completed depicting star children and falling stars. I’m going to hustle and see if I can create a print series based on these paintings before market.
I’ll post pictures of work as we near the show.
If you want to place an order or see a painting you’d like to own please let me know.
Take care and enjoy your summer.